Faith Formation

Welcome to Our Lady of Peace Faith Formation Page. We are excited and ready to grow in God’s love and grace. Our children will come to know Jesus through prayer services, scripture, sacraments, and witness.

Parents can assist us by bring positive and encouraging. Share your faith with you child tell them how you experience God in your life, and take them to Mass.

Children’s Liturgy of the Word is held on Sundays, during the school year.
Children are dismissed from church following the opening prayer. They will hear the Sunday readings along with the Gospel from the children’s Lectionary and learn how it relates to their lives. They will return to the congregation for the prayers of the faithful. 

Elementary and Middle School Faith Formation Sessions is held on Wednesdays, during the school year from 6:00-7:15 pm. Includes grade level, age appropriate sessions based on Scripture, prayer, Catholic teachings, and traditions.

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd  Sessions are held on Wednesday night during Faith Formation sessions from 6:00 pm until 7:15pm. This program is for ages 4 to 6 year olds. It fosters a reverence for Scripture and our liturgy; helps children experience God’s presence in their lives. This is a Montessori hands on approach to learning.

Sacramental Preparation for Reconciliation, Confirmation, and Eucharist is offered to children 7 years old (2nd grade) or older. Includes parent sessions and family retreats. For more information on this program call the parish office and talk to Genevieve Villanueva.

A registration form is enclosed along with a medical and media release (required by the Diocese of Saginaw). There is a $25 Family Registration fee. For financial assistance please call the parish office and speak to Miss Genny the Faith Formation Coordinator. No one is turned away.

If you have any questions or concerns please call Sally Macomber at 892-6031.

Sally Macomber

Faith Formation Coordinator